Jason Kamilar
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Director, Institute for Social Science Research
Co-Director, Kasanka Baboon Project
Email: jkamilar (at) umass.edu
Jacob Feder
Postdoctoral Researcher (Co-Advised with Joan Silk, Arizona State U)
Primate behavior
Email: jacob.feder (at) stonybrook.edu
Website: https://jacobfeder.weebly.com/
Twitter: @jacobafeder
Sharmi Sen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Primate behavior
Email: ssen (at) umass.edu
Twitter: @cercopithe_sen
Amanda Fuchs
Doctoral Student
Dissertation Title: The effects of food and water on Kinda baboon movement ecology and gut microbiome diversity.
Email: afuchs (at) umass.edu
Twitter: @MandyMonkey02
Laura Haynes
Doctoral Student
Primatology, conservation
Email: lkhaynes (at) umass.edu
Twitter: @haynesklaura
Catherine Kitrinos
Doctoral Student
Dissertation Title: Bats, baboons, and berries: Microbial transmission at Kasanka National Park.
Email: ckitrinos (at) umass.edu
Twitter: @CatieKitrinos
Allyson Schmidt
Doctoral Student
Primate ecology and genomics
Email: adschmidt (at) umass.edu
Thomas Wilson
Doctoral Student (co-advised with Todd Disotell)
Primate genetics, coloration, ecology
Email: tcwilson (at) umass.edu
Andrew Zamora
Doctoral Student
Dissertation Title: Socio-genomic evolution of sifakas (Propithecus).
Email: azamora (at) umass.edu
Other Current and Recent Collaborators
Brenda Bradley, George Washington University
John Rowan, University of Cambridge (UK)
Kenny Chiou, University of Alabama
India Scheider-Crease, Arizona State University
Megan Petersdorf, Tulane University
Benjamin Mubemba, Copperbelt University
Andrea Baden, Hunter College
Stacey Tecot, University of Arizona
Kaye Reed, Arizona State University
Lydia Beaudrot, Michigan State University
Tim Webster, University of Utah
Gina Agostini, Midwestern University
Lab Alumni
John Rowan, Asst Prof, University of Cambridge (UK)
Gina Agostini, Asst Res Prof, Midwestern University
Rachel Bell Burten, Postdoc, Disotell Lab
Andrew Best, Asst Prof, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Anna Weyher, Co-Dir, Kasanka Baboon Project
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Kalista Creighton Ahouse
Arya Kunaparaju
Rebecca Leduc
Alyse Maksimoski
Jennifer Marino
Cal Miller
Jesse O'Neill
Devon Thurston
Siddhi Bramhe
Eric Wuesthoff
Ankita Bhagat
Sneha Magesh